What is ZNS?

ZNS (ZKSpace Name Service) is a Layer 2 domain name service provided by ZKSpace. You can freely register a ZNS name, which represents your Web3 identity on ZKSwap, ZKSquare, ZKSea, and other Layer 2 products to be launched by ZKSpace in the future.

What are the scenarios for using ZNS domain names?

The ZNS domain name represents your identity on ZKSpace. By holding any ZNS domain name, you can associate your L2 address with the domain name. When you are transferring funds with ZKSquare, you only need to type in the domain name instead of the complicated and lengthy wallet addresses. The system will automatically translate it into the corresponding address.

What is ZNS Reverse Resolution and what are its usage scenarios?

By holding one domain name, you can associate your wallet address with the domain name. You can also associate multiple domain names with the same address. To help better demonstrate your web3 identity, ZKSpace provides Reverse Resolution for free. Once you enable Reverse Resolution, your .zks domain name will be displayed across ZKSpace products instead of your wallet address. Your ZNS name will be displayed in scenarios that include but are not limited to: (1) Where it currently shows your wallet address at the top right corner of the website. (2) During NFT minting, trading and transfer in ZKSea. (3) Any of your transactions shown in ZKSpace Explorer.

What are ZNS domain name rules?

(1) The domain names must be at least 3 characters long. (2) The domain name only supports numbers/letters/-, the beginning and end of which cannot be -. (3) The domain name is not case sensitive.

What are the costs for registering ZNS domain names?

(1) Registration costs are set at the following prices: $100/year for 3+ character .zks names $30/year for 4+ character .zks names $5/year for 5+ character .zks names (2) You can register on an annual basis. If you register for 2 consecutive years or more, you will enjoy a 20% discount on the total price (for renewals of 2 years or more, you will also enjoy a 20% discount). (3) If you register for 3 years or more, you can buy out the domain name permanently (If the total term after renewal reaches or exceeds 3 years, you can also buy out the domain name).

How to register a ZNS domain name?

You can search for any domain name you want to register in the search box on the homepage of ZNS. Due to the uniqueness of the ZNS domain name, if the domain name has not been registered by others, you can pay the price to get yourself the ZNS name. After registration, you can view your domain name in My Account. You can edit the domain name and add records.

Who are the registrant and controller of the domain name?

After you pay the fees and register the domain name, you become the registrant. The registrant cannot be changed before the domain name expires (the domain name will be reclaimed by the system after it expires, and can be re-registered by anyone). The registrant automatically becomes the first controller of the domain name. The controller has the editing right of the domain name and can change the records. The actual controllers can view all the domain names they hold in My Account, and can freely transfer the domain name to other users. After the transfer, the domain name belongs to the new address, and the controller changes accordingly.

The Favourite & Renewal functions of ZNS domain name

You can favorite domain names by clicking on the 💗 button (registered or not). You can view all your favorite domains in Favorites. You can renew domain names you own in My Account or on the domain details page of any domain name (renewal will not change the controller of the domain name).

The secondary market of the ZNS domain name?

Not open yet. We do have plans though to open a secondary market for ZNS in future iterations, so stay tuned!

The ZNS explorer

A ZNS module is added to the ZKSpace Explorer, where you can view all registered ZNS domain names and their details. The address details page also displays ZNS domain name assets.